Function to return either normal, lognormal, gamma, or non-parametric distribution estimate
est_dist_censored(df, left_censored, method = "sf", alpha = 0.05, choices = c("norm", "lnorm"), combine_locations = FALSE, keep_data_object = FALSE)
df | groundwater data frame in tidy format |
left_censored | logical vector. |
method | default is "sf" |
alpha | alpha |
choices | vector of distributions to check. Default is c("norm, "lnorm") |
combine_locations | TRUE/FALSE to estimate distribution by individual location, or grouped together. Default is FALSE. |
keep_data_object | Default is FALSE |
data("gw_data") wells <- c("MW-1", "MW-2", "MW-3") params <- c("Fluoride, total", "Arsenic, dissolved", "Nickel, dissolved") gw_data <- gw_data %>% to_censored() %>% filter(location_id %in% wells, param_name %in% params) %>% percent_lt() %>% filter(percent_lt >=15, percent_lt <= 50) gw_data %>% group_by(location_id, param_name, default_unit) %>% est_dist_censored(., alpha = 0.05, keep_data_object = FALSE)#> Warning: `cols` is now required. #> Please use `cols = c(distribution)`#> # A tibble: 6 x 4 #> # Groups: location_id, default_unit, param_name [6] #> location_id default_unit param_name distribution #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 MW-2 mg/L Fluoride, total Normal #> 2 MW-2 ug/L Arsenic, dissolved Lognormal #> 3 MW-1 ug/L Arsenic, dissolved Nonparametric #> 4 MW-1 ug/L Nickel, dissolved Normal #> 5 MW-3 mg/L Fluoride, total Nonparametric #> 6 MW-3 ug/L Arsenic, dissolved Normalgw_data %>% group_by(param_name, default_unit) %>% est_dist_censored(., combine_locations = TRUE, keep_data_object = FALSE)#> Warning: `cols` is now required. #> Please use `cols = c(distribution)`#> # A tibble: 3 x 3 #> # Groups: default_unit, param_name [3] #> default_unit param_name distribution #> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 mg/L Fluoride, total Lognormal #> 2 ug/L Arsenic, dissolved Lognormal #> 3 ug/L Nickel, dissolved Normal