Function to calculate prediction interval

pred_int(df, analysis_result = "analysis_result",
  distribution = "distribution", method = "Bonferroni", n_mean = 1,
  k = 1, pi_type = "upper", conf_level = 0.95)



df data frame of groundwater data in tidy format


the analysis result column


the distribution column


default is "Bonferroni"


n.mean positive integer specifying the sample size associated with the future averages. The default value is n.mean=1 (i.e., individual observations). Note that all future averages must be based on the same sample size.


k positive integer specifying the number of future observations or averages the prediction interval should contain with confidence level conf.level. The default value is k=1.


character string indicating what kind of prediction interval to compute. The possible values are pi_type="two-sided" (the default), pi_type="upper", and pi_type="lower".


a scalar between 0 and 1 indicating the confidence level of the prediction interval. The default value is conf.level=0.95


data("gw_data") wells <- c("MW-1", "MW-2", "MW-3", "MW-4") params <- c("Sulfate, total", "Arsenic, dissolved", "Boron, dissolved") background <- lubridate::ymd(c("2007-12-20", "2012-01-01"), tz = "UTC") # first group data by location, param, and background # estimate percent less than and distribution background_data <- gw_data %>% filter(location_id %in% wells, param_name %in% params, sample_date >= background[1] & sample_date <= background[2]) %>% group_by(location_id, param_name, default_unit) %>% percent_lt() %>% est_dist(., keep_data_object = TRUE) %>% arrange(location_id, param_name) background_data %>% pred_int(., pi_type = "upper", conf_level = 0.99)
#> Warning: `cols` is now required. #> Please use `cols = c(sample_size, lpl, upl, conf_level)`
#> # A tibble: 12 x 8 #> # Groups: location_id, default_unit, param_name [12] #> location_id default_unit param_name distribution sample_size lpl upl #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 MW-1 ug/L Arsenic, … Nonparametr… 14 -Inf 10 #> 2 MW-1 mg/L Boron, di… Nonparametr… 14 -Inf 1.37 #> 3 MW-1 mg/L Sulfate, … Nonparametr… 14 -Inf 117 #> 4 MW-2 ug/L Arsenic, … Nonparametr… 14 -Inf 10 #> 5 MW-2 mg/L Boron, di… Lognormal 14 0 2.69 #> 6 MW-2 mg/L Sulfate, … Nonparametr… 14 -Inf 200 #> 7 MW-3 ug/L Arsenic, … Nonparametr… 14 -Inf 10 #> 8 MW-3 mg/L Boron, di… Lognormal 14 0 2.00 #> 9 MW-3 mg/L Sulfate, … Lognormal 14 0 172. #> 10 MW-4 ug/L Arsenic, … Normal 14 -Inf 14.3 #> 11 MW-4 mg/L Boron, di… Normal 14 -Inf 1.00 #> 12 MW-4 mg/L Sulfate, … Nonparametr… 14 -Inf 120 #> # … with 1 more variable: conf_level <dbl>