Function to calculate tolernace intervals

tol_int(df, analysis_result = "analysis_result",
  distribution = "distribution", coverage = 0.95,
  cov_type = "content", ti_type = "two-sided", method = "exact")



df data frame of groundwater data in tidy format


the analysis result column


the distribution column


a scalar between 0 and 1 indicating the desired coverage of the tolerance interval. The default value is coverage=0.95. If cov.type="expectation", this argument is ignored


character string specifying the coverage type for the tolerance interval. The possible values are "content" (β-content; the default), and "expectation" (β-expectation).


character string indicating what kind of tolerance interval to compute. The possible values are ti_type="two-sided", ti_type="upper", and ti_type="lower" (the default).


for the case of a two-sided tolerance interval, a character string specifying the method for constructing the tolerance interval. This argument is ignored if ti.type="lower" or ti.type="upper". The possible values are "exact" (the default) and "wald.wolfowitz" (the Wald-Wolfowitz approximation).


a scalar between 0 and 1 indicating the confidence level of the tolerance interval. The default value is conf.level=0.95


for tolIntLnormAlt, a character string specifying the method of estimating the mean and coefficient of variation. This argument has no effect on the method of constructing the tolerance interval. Possible values are "mvue" (minimum variance unbiased; the default), "qmle" (quasi maximum likelihood), "mle" (maximum likelihood), "mme" (method of moments), and "mmue" (method of moments based on the unbiased estimate of variance).